The McGilvray Collection — — — A personal collection of family and amateur photography.

Website News

A few drawings

October 10, 2016

I uploaded a few more drawings, including a couple where I tried oil pastels.

2016 Photos!

March 19, 2016

They’re finally here! After more than half a year, I have uploaded the latest photos. 2015 is basically neglected, and I still have some really good material for other years as well, but at least I currently have all of the 2016 photos posted. Have a look in the Miscellaneous 2016 and Chaeli Lost a Tooth galleries.

Where have I been?

March 12, 2016

I haven’t done much to the website in a while, except to fix a couple bugs. The big reason is that I have taken a new job and moved since the last time I updated, and I haven’t spent much time working on my photos. I have also been busy with other projects, including my digital painting and programing a Bible reading program (which is actually hosted on this site, but it’s hidden—ask me about if you want to try it out).

I have now posted a few more paintings to my paintings gallery, as my interest in digital drawing and painting has been increasing. Chaeli is also getting into it, and I have begun posting her work in her own gallery!

Digital Drawings

August 14, 2015

I have a budding interest in drawing and painting in a digital medium, especially with the iPad. More recently, I got a “game” for the Wii U that teaches how to draw on the gamepad, and I am really enjoying learning the techniques. I have uploaded the first two pictures that I made on the iPad before I got the game, and then so far I have uploaded the first two lessons through the game. I have done each of the lessons twice, once on the gamepad, then once again on the iPad. I usually prefer the iPad version. So far, it appears I have a preference for round, red fruit. Keep coming back, as I add a new exercise every few days. You can find them here (or go to the Other galleries and find the red apple painting).

New Photos — Miscellaneous Family 2015

July 24, 2015

To start populating my new site, I have uploaded 14 new photos from this year of the family. I have more to add, but I’m thinking it is good to upload several as I go along rather than waiting for a whole album to be ready. Finally there are a few pictures of Alice on my site. Here is the direct link to the new gallery.

New Website Design!

July 16, 2015

Welcome to the newest version of my website! I first began The McGilvray Collection three years ago through a service called SmugMug. Back then, I was able to put my own custom styling code (CSS) on top of SmugMug’s presentation to make the website my own. As my programming skills grew over the past couple years, I found SmugMug limiting. This was only made worse by SmugMug taking away a couple features I was using. I finally decided to abandon SmugMug and make a website that is truly my own, because “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” Now after nearly a year of work, I am ready to relaunch my website built with my own custom programming. It has been a lot of fun to create, and I still have more features I want to add. Thus, the website is a combination of two of my hobbies: photography and programming. It will be exiting to see it grow over the years.

New Photos — Creek at Berryhill Park

July 16, 2015

The first set of new photos on my new site are from one Saturday morning during summer last year. Jessica was going to do her Saturday grocery shopping, and I decided to go along and take the kids to the nearby park while she shopped. I got several good pictures while the kids played at the creek. It was many months ago when I added them to the site, but the site itself was not yet ready. But now, finally, you can go check them out!